The future of video distribution depends on offline and online media technology. Both technologies can also be combined into a hybrid media to expand audience reach. This allows deeper media involvement across social, environment and local issues.
In the backdrop of these developments, Engagemedia established a partnership with ASTEKI, a local television association in Indonesia.

Here are some updates from the project:
- Plumi Workshop in Bogor, Indonesia (May 10-13, 2011)
- Report: Plumi Workshop Bogor (May 10-13, 2011)
- Online Distribution Training in Bogor (July 4-7, 2011)
- Sumatera Riau Workshop (Dec 2-5, 2011)
- Sumatera Riau Workshop II
- EM-ASTEKI: Get Creative!
- The ASTEKI project so far: Training for Online Video Distribution with Kendari TV
Check out the full list of videos from the project. Here is a link to the ASTEKI Platform on Plumi and Website.