Report: Plumi Workshop Bogor

From May 10-13 EngageMedia conducted a video database development workshop with ASTEKI – a network of progressive TV stations based in Bogor, Indonesia. The workshop made use EngageMedia’s Plumi video sharing software. We were joined by friends and fellow Plumi developers from Unweb (Greece) and Inigo Tech (Malaysia) along with local Indonesian Air Putih technologists.

Izhar from Inigo, KL
Izhar from Inigo, KL. Plumi Bogor Training.

The goal of the workshop was to provide ASTEKI with fully-functional local Plumi site set-up, including basic design and a preliminary set of content. We also aimed to teach participants the skills needed to install, template, design, configure, backup and administer/maintain their own Plumi/Plone systems. These workshops intended to impart a solid understanding of the relationship between ASTEKI’s web and content delivery strategies and their video database.

While we got some help from the cool weather of the rainy city Bogor, our main assistance came from the Plumi system itself. As the program matures, it is becoming easier and easier to install. Only two hours was required to install the software on several computers, including by many  ‘non-geeks’. Participants built their own Plumi site during the course of the workshop but the key output was an offline video data-base to house ASTEKI’s large collection.

The site (under heavy development) is also available online at, it is very fast within Indonesia but quite slow outside the country.

Ice breaking session as Bogor Plumi Training
Ice breaking session as Bogor Plumi Training

During this workshop, several videos were uploaded, mostly by the crew (thanks for that!). Watch them below:

The workshop also saw the revamping of the Plumi manual into Indonesian which you can find here (

Flickr photos can be found here.

Until next time, ciao…

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