August 24, 2012

Screenshot of on August 5, 2012

Major updates to

We’ve just upgraded to Plumi 4.1.1, the open-source video sharing platform we produce in collaboration with and other developers.

Secure My Video Guide

Secure My Video Guide

Welcome to the Secure My Video Guide, the first stage in our effort to provide video activists with tools to make their work safe and secure.

Merapi Stories

Here is a lovely example of creative online video used to tell stories from Indonesia.

Some Thoughts about the last FFD

These are some notes from the recent Festival Film Dokumenter (FFD) in Yogyakarta. FFD is an alternative film festival that attracts hundreds of students, young people, videomakers, and artists from across Indonesia.

Who’s the Boss?

Last night in Petaling Jaya, EngageMedia’s Malaysian partner organisation KOMAS launched its now-famous FreedomFilmFest for 2012 with the provocative theme “Democracy: Who’s the Boss?”