

MediaCMS Content Management System

MediaCMS is a content management system to host your own video site, as well as supporting other rich media content. MediaCMS currently supports the Engage Video platform. EngageMedia’s commitment to MediaCMS is part of our larger commitment to open source software and media freedom.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Digital Safety in the Asia-Pacific

EngageMedia has and continues to be involved in various projects on digital security in the Asia-Pacific. In these initiatives, there is a strong emphasis on the use of and training on free and open-source software.

Video for Change Impact Toolkit

The Video for Change Impact Toolkit is an online guide for the design and evaluation of a video for change social impact campaign, focusing on a holistic approach that considers all activities and their capacity to create impact, rather than on the effect of a video product alone.

Video4Change Network

The Video4Change Network is a consortium of organisations from around the world using the power of video for human rights, social justice, and environmental change.


EngageMedia undertakes a range of research initiatives focused on video for change, open and secure technology, and digital rights.