May 30, 2014

Travelling Projector Bandung: Film, the Foundation for Sharing

“I’m not an activist, but after watching the film about Sumarsih, a mother who lost her son during the turmoil after Reformasi on May 1998, I felt really moved,” said a female student in tears. That’s one of the reactions we got from the Traveling Projector tour’s first screening in Parahyangan University, Bandung.

Traveling Projector in Surabaya

A report on one of the stops on the Traveling Projector tour, where we visit 11 cities in Java with videos on pluralism, migrant workers, corruption, and West Papua.

KD's World Tour: Surabaya street art

#Proyektor Keliling #Hari14 di Surabaya

Proyektor Keliling sampai di Surabaya pada Jumat tengah malam tanggal 23 Mei 2014. Esoknya jam 11 kami menuju markas C2O, sebuah perpustakaan dan tempat berkumpul komunitas anak muda yang punya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan warisan budaya kotanya. Kami berbincang dan berbagi pengalaman tentang manajemen organisasi dengan 13 orang dari 4 komunitas/organisasi.

Malang Trip

Traveling Projector in Malang

Traveling Projector has almost reached the end of its journey. Malang was the second last city before we closed the tour in Jakarta.