Traveling Projector has almost reached the end of its journey. Malang was the second last city before we closed the tour in Jakarta.
We arrived in Malang on the afternoon of 26 May. We then drove to the screening venue, Warung Kelir (Colour Cafe), a cafe where people from literature, film, music, and academia circles hang out. The host of the event this time was Lensa Mata, a community of young people who are interested in films and socio-cultural issues.
The playlist for Malang was still focused on issues of tolerance, plus films on West Papua. After ‘The Black Umbrella’ closed the screening, more than 50 spectators were still present. The discussion held afterward was lively and vibrant, with any questions, comments, and sharing of experiences from a diverse audience of artists, journalists, students, lecturers, and activists. This screening was perhaps the most engaging one so far, not only in terms of the number of viewers but also with regards to the discussion.

The audience found that such documentary films can be alternatives to information that’s usually obtained from the mainstream media, and that image and video gives makes a stronger impression on viewers. Some of the audience hope that events like this should be held more often not only in the cities, but also in villages or in communities who are directly affected by the issues highlighted in the films.