
Digital rights stories in the Asia-Pacific highlighted in new, thought-provoking film collection

Tech Tales, a collection of eight films that highlight human rights stories in the digital age, launches on Saturday, October 30. This first-ever public screening of the Tech Tales film collection coincides with the international celebration of World Internet Day, an apt time to turn a critical eye to the current digital rights issues being faced in the Asia-Pacific.

Excerpt: ‘Disrupted Geographies’ in the time of COVID-19

In an essay for the Network of Centers, EngageMedia executive director Andrew Lowenthal expounds on COVID-19’s impact on shifting geopolitics in the Asia-Pacific, as well as the future of our organisation’s work as a regional space-maker for discussions on video for change, open technology, and digital rights.

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 1

Pretty Good Podcast Episode 1: Digital Rights and the Asia-Pacific

On the pilot episode of Pretty Good Podcast: Discussions on Digital Rights, EngageMedia chats with the Association for Progressive Communications executive director, Chat Garcia Ramilo, on the past, present, and future of digital rights in Asia-Pacific region. The pilot also tackles how the COVID-19 pandemic relates to digital rights and the importance of building and staying in touch with our communities to further the digital rights movement in the region.

Papuan Voices Australia Tour

Papuan Voices is a video-advocacy initiative assisting West Papuan communities to tell their stories. It challenges common misconceptions about this troubled territory and builds local storytellers in a region where foreign journalists are banned.

T4RA Climate Workshop

A one-day training of Indonesian video activists from environmental groups and independent video producers on developing distribution strategies for online, offline and hybrid methods.