Moviemento: Anti-Corruption Video Training for Youth

Written by Nona Kukubiru

Collaborating with Transparency International Indonesia (TI-Indonesia), EngageMedia launched ‘Moviemento’, a new series of video trainings. This project aims to train youth communities who are already campaigning on issues such as gender, the environment, social development, and culture, to produce their own videos that have anti-corruption messages with youth perspectives.

In recent years, TI-Indonesia has been educating youth in Jakarta, Indonesia, that corruption is not only about what happens in the Government sector, but also within their immediate surroundings.

Image Credit Heriyanto Rantelino, Kompasiana
Image Credit Heriyanto Rantelino, Kompasiana

Through 2013, EngageMedia aims work with TI-Indonesia to develop and conduct training programmes which will provide the selected participants the digital media skills required to be apt in storytelling and video production. These participants will then be able to tell stories about the anti-corruption movement in their own communities and spread the vision of social change for a corruption-free environment.

To start, staff from EngageMedia and TI-Indonesia (together called the Moviemento Team), are conducting four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with youth communities in 4 cities. These FGDs are designed to gather insights on youth communities in Makassar, Semarang, Balikpapan, and Kupang, relating to youth characteristics, their knowledge and perspectives on corruption, and media literacy. These FGDs are also a way to better assess and decide which cities have more ideal conditions for video training.

The first city visited for the FGD was Makassar, on 14 December 2012. Working together with BaKTI, this FGD saw the participation of various youth communities in Makassar, including Shkolatanpabatas, Sehati, Sokola Pesisir, Kampung Dongeng Rumah Hijau, MAP, Makassar Berkebun, Green PNPM, PMKRI Makassar, Kiri Depan, Rumah Ide, GMKI Makassar, CEPSIS, and QUIQUI’ Makassar (Komunitas Merajut).

The second city, Semarang, was visited on 29 January 2013. Partnering with Pattiro, an NGO who focuses on public policy advocacy, an FGD was held with a diverse group of youth communities such as Lembaga pers Manuggal Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), Lembaga Hysteria, Kelompok Anak Anti ESKA, Jaringan Pemuda dan Remaja Masjid (JPRMI) Kota Semarang, Teater Emka UNDIP, Komunitas Suporter SNEX Kalibanger (Kaliber), and Karang Taruna Candi dan Kemijen.

This week, the Moviemento Team visited Balikpapan to conduct the 3rd FGD. For this event, local Coordinator STABIL brought together 18 participants from 8 communities, namely, Inspirasi Muda Kaltim, Balikpapan Berkebun, English Community Balikpapan, Anak Muda Balikpapan, Gemas Puskib, HMI, Balikpapan Blogger, and STABIL itself.

Moviemento visited Balikpapan

The final FGD will be held in Kupang in mid-February, which will be followed by assessments of which cities are best suited to conduct our video training sessions.

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