Tech Tales Youth 2: Defending Internet Freedom in Bangladesh and Malaysia

Tech Tales Youth 2 builds on the success of Tech Tales: Films about Digital Rights in the Asia-Pacific and Tech Tales Youth Philippines and Thailand, two film collection featuring 15 short films that highlight human rights stories in the digital age. The project has a strong emphasis on mentorship and peer and community support, with successful applicants provided guidance in shaping their story ideas to align with key digital rights issues relevant to their specific contexts, as well as ways to maximise their films’ impact.

Tech Tales Youth 2 expands the digital rights movement in Asia-Pacific through compelling visual storytelling, building on the success of Tech Tales: Films about Digital Rights in the Asia-Pacific and Tech Tales Youth Philippines and Thailand. This new edition focuses on Malaysia and Bangladesh, where emerging filmmakers create powerful short films that address pressing digital rights challenges in their local contexts.

The films from Bangladesh explore the intersection of digital rights and social justice: from the impact of internet shutdowns on disabled workers and digital labor, to privacy violations during political unrest, to how digital harassment and online extremism affect the trans community. Meanwhile, the Malaysian films delve into critical issues of online safety and social cohesion: examining online grooming and exploitation of teenagers, the manipulation of social media regulations following cyberbullying-related deaths, and how digital disinformation fuels racial and religious tensions in multicultural communities.

Beyond serving as informative tools, these films contribute to growing the digital rights movement by bringing new allies into the space and creating compelling advocacy materials that can be used in film festivals, community screenings, and grassroots campaigns.

Follow Tech Tales Youth on Instagram: @techtales.engagemedia

Tech Tales Youth Film Collection

Digital Rights Analyses

Life in Darkness: How Internet Shutdowns Became a Growing Fear in Bangladesh
Curfew, Canvas, and Confinement: The Human Cost of Digital Suppression
Invisible Yet Targeted: Digital Realities for Gender-Diverse Communities in Bangladesh
Entangled in the dangerous web of online grooming
Creating awareness on interracial disinformation online

Impact Stories From The Ground

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