Sara Pacia

Video Blog: How will 5G affect AI technologies in Southeast Asia?

In the last of our video blog series on artificial intelligence (AI) and Southeast Asia, EngageMedia interviews 5G researcher Melinda Martinus on how the different 5G providers in the region – whether from China or outside Asia – can influence the AI technologies that will be powered by it.

Video Blog: Why AI alone cannot ‘cure’ societal problems

Independent researcher Jun-E Tan shares her realisations while researching the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence has and continues to bring to Southeast Asia. Her video blog is the second in a series, and part of EngageMedia’s research on AI and its implications in the region.

Video Blog: What is the problem with AI governance today?

In a video blog for EngageMedia’s research on artificial intelligence (AI) in Southeast Asia, IT for Change Deputy Director Nandini Chami answers two pressing questions on AI governance: What is the problem with AI governance today? And, how should developing countries address this issue when evolving AI strategies and roadmaps?