In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Cinemata proudly announces its second-time collaboration with the FEU Film Movements Festival, previously known as the Likhang Mulat Film Movements Festival. Serving as the official online screening platform, this renewed partnership with the Far Eastern University’s Department of Communication, under Cinemata Visions, underscores our joint dedication to nurturing conversations on social issues and human rights through progressive and alternative filmmaking. The festival’s yearly theme centres on human rights and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The online screening, exclusively on Cinemata from December 13 to 22, showcases the films of the finalists in this playlist, with select films featured on the Cinemata homepage.
Currently in its fifth edition this 2023, the festival, now named FEU Film Movements Festival, not only seeks to emphasise its home institution Far Eastern University, but also champions the progressive notion that film transcends mere cultural expression; it can serve as a potent tool for a movement, particularly advocating for human rights education and social causes. The festival honours various film movements that occurred in the history of world cinema which presented counter-ideology, counter-culture, and counter-hegemony, or alternative cinema.
This year’s festival offers diverse films across three categories:
Intro to Film Section: A competition exclusively for Communication students at Far Eastern University enrolled in the Introduction to Film course.
World Cinema Section: Showcasing socially relevant short films from global partner universities, highlighting cinema’s international impact on social issues.
Truth Cinema Section: Focused on progressive films by political collectives, amplifying cinema’s role as a tool for advocacy and social change.
About Cinemata Visions
The online screening of the FEU Film Movements Festival is EngageMedia’s partnership with the FEU Department of Communication for Cinemata Visions, an initiative that spotlights notable works from film schools and learning institutions dedicated to cinema in the Asia-Pacific.
Cinemata Visions highlights video endeavours such as workshops and competitions initiated by advocacy groups dedicated to the youth. It aims to harness creative film outputs and encourage young filmmakers to produce more social issue works by providing a free, independent, and secure video hosting platform beyond the usual corporate platforms.
EngageMedia developed Cinemata to support film initiatives like FEU Film Movements Festival in highlighting essential yet underheard stories and inspiring collective action among Asia-Pacific audiences.