Impact Talk with Cecilia Mejia: Building Partnerships with NGOs

Outreach and meaningful engagement can be challenges for social issue documentary filmmakers who want to widen their audiences and create social impact. A helpful strategy is to partner with groups with similar advocacies. How can filmmakers effectively build these partnerships and ensure that their impact goals don’t get muddled in the process?

In the next instalment of Impact Talks organised by EngageMedia and In-Docs, senior impact producer Cecilia Mejia will share tips on how filmmakers can pitch their projects to non-government organisations (NGOs) and encourage them to use film to advance their advocacy. She will also share different ways to conduct impact campaigns beyond the usual film screenings.

The session titled “Building Partnerships with NGOs” will be held on December 1, 2022 (Thursday), 7PM Bangkok time (UTC+7). It is free and open to the public.

Mejia is the Impact Director of the Asian-American Documentary Network, and lectures on impact producing at New York University. She is a first-generation Filipino-American with over a decade of experience in the non-profit sector, including working for various NGOs and the United Nations. Having been involved in a number of critically-acclaimed social impact documentaries – as lead producer of the feature film Yellow Rose, social impact producer of Call Her Ganda, and co-producer of the Array Studios-acquired film Lingua Franca – her experience provides a wealth of insight for filmmakers with questions on enhancing their impact campaigns.

Impact Talks is a series of public meetings among filmmakers, activists, campaigners, film curators, impact producers, and interested audiences to share and discuss experiences and ideas around creating impact through film in the Asia-Pacific.

The session is free and open to the public. Interested participants can register using the form below.