Yangon Nights: Film Screenings for Minority Rights

Yangon Nights: Film Screenings for Minority Rights

After the success of our first indoor screening on 23 October 2016, we decided to host a second indoor screening for the Khaw Than minority rights film series at Phandeeyar. Over 80 people attended the event and the discussion panel with the filmmakers went really well.

Yangon Nights: Film Screenings for Minority Rights

Then on 30 December 2016, in collaboration with the Yangon Youth Network, we held our final screening at the Kyinmyintaing tea shop, where we showcased a selection from the Khaw Than series including, ‘Sound of Silence‘, ‘My Mother is Single‘, ‘A Letter from Civil War‘ and ‘I Wanna Go to School‘. The films addressed ethnic, women and children’s rights.

Yangon Nights: Film Screenings for Minority Rights

Most of the people at the event felt free to join in and share their thoughts, both before and after the screening. One of the attendees commented, “Screening documentaries in tea shops is really great. You can watch documentaries at home but in this kind of venue, you can discuss your point of view with different people. I think this is the difference between watching a documentary at home and here.”