Traveling Projector in Indramayu & Cirebon

Indramayu was the third city visited by the Traveling Projector. Here, we were helped by an ex-migrant worker who lent us his house for the screening, where young people came and watched videos that were created by Indonesian migrant workers themselves.

It was a relaxing atmosphere and they seemed to love the videos, especially since some of them were made people from the audience themselves some years ago.

They were used to only watching TV programs or videos being presented by outsiders, but at this event they were amused at seeing their own faces on-screen. It was an exciting moment for the migrants who were often neglected by the state and society.

The next day, we left Indramayu and went to Cirebon, where we were hosted by Sanggar Rakyat. The screening was conducted in the Village Center with audiences from all the nearby neighborhoods and villages. More than 60 people attended this event.

Along with videos from EngageMedia, we screened some of Sanggar Rakyat’s video collections as its activities focus on education and youth recreational activities. The night was closed with a discussion and emphasizing on how useful the videos can be as tools for disseminating information and educating members of society.