Announcing Southeast Asia Video Camp

SEA video camp

Last week, we announced the work that we will begin doing in Myanmar. One of the main activities that we will be conducting in Myanmar is the Southeast Asia Video Camp.

The camp is aimed to be a space for Burmese video and filmmakers to meet, interact and collaborate with video and filmmakers from the rest of Southeast Asia. We are aiming to create an interactive learning and collaboration environment for three days, where film and video makers can learn from each other about the following topics:

  • Effective distribution strategies within our region and for different communities
  • Video security issues and strategies
  • The use of video for social change and advocacy
  • Subtitling of videos in Southeast Asian languages

We will open the agenda of the camp to participants to make sure that the event is relevant to everyone. For those of you who are familiar to our Camp Sambel 1 and 2, we envision this camp to be as interactive, engaging and collaborative as those events. We will be asking participants to propose and lead sessions about topics they want to learn, share and discuss.

While we have not chosen specific dates for the camp, we will definitely be holding it in the first two weeks of June 2015. We will also definitely do it somewhere in Myanmar. We will be announcing the dates and the application form for the camp by February 2015.

We are also looking for local partners who will help us organise the camp. If you are interested in participating and/or helping us as a local partner, please contact us.