Expanding Our Partnership with CJ.MY at Their 3rd Annual Conference

In May 2012, we brought Universal Subtitles (now known as Amara) to Malaysia again. And this time, it was in the island-state of Penang, at the annual conference of CJ.MY (Citizen Journalists Malaysia).

Now in its third year, the conference brings together all the active Citizen Journalists (CJs) in Malaysia, and some from other Asian countries such as Burma, Nepal, and Thailand.

On the second day of the conference, I ran a session on Amara with over 70 CJs from all across Malaysia. Some of the participants who attended the previous workshop in Kuala Lumpur had already started using Amara to subtitle videos, and some of them can be viewed here and here.

CJs who were newly introduced to the system found it very easy to use, and are looking forward to when the Amara widget is embedded onto their website. A dedicated team page will also be set up for them.

EngageMedia and Amara expand their partnership with CJ.MY in Penang
Expanding our partnership with CJ.MY at their 3rd annual conference

The conference also provided us with the opportunity to discuss the expansion of our collaboration with CJ.MY, one of the exciting ideas being a possible Citizen Journalism programme in Papua. Also, look out for more CJ.MY videos being featured on our site, providing us insight on social and political issues in Malaysia, straight from the grassroots. You can view more videos from CJ.MY here.

A series of workshops and presentations in Thailand are slated to happen in July, so expect lots of interesting content from the Land of Smiles.

If you’d like to join in all the subtitling and translation fun, join the EngageMedia team page and Facebook group to help make important stories from the Asia Pacific more accessible to the world.

Terima kasih and Khawp khun krap!

Seelan Palay
Lingua Desk