Bhinneka Tinggal Duka? Masterclass

On November 29 – 30, the masterclass was held and attended by 10 participants as representatives of 8 video finalists. They came from Jakarta, Depok, Cilacap, Yogyakarta dan Riau.

The first day of the masterclass was filled with theories, knowledge, and experience sharing and discussion. Lexy Rambadeta, a prominent documentary filmmaker talked about Story Telling in documentary film making. He shared his years of experience in film making and led a rich discussion on the topic.

After Story Telling session, Ucu Agustin, a young and bright documentary filmmaker who has received a lot of attention recently, talked about offline distribution. She shared a very attractively-made presentation titled ‘Falling in Love is Not Easy’ about how love and passion are needed the most in making a film/video. Without the two, we could not expect to make a good film/video and let alone make other people love the film/video we make. Ucu also shared her experience in engaging her subjects, her audience and gave tips to access Film Festivals, both national and international.

Still in the same session, EM team led by Rico and Yerry talked about online distribution and security. Although the session was short, but participants felt that it was very useful for them as video makers and they were eager to learn more.

A masterclass will not be a masterclass without talking about how to source funds for video production. Therefore, we had Ucu Agustin sharing her knowledge and experience in how to find money to produce video and gave some organizations/institutions references that provides such funds. But nowadays, the whole trend of funding is shifting towards a more participatory method, so it’s only appropriate for us to also provided the different options of fund sourcing by inviting Enrico Halim from to talk about crowdfunding.

The first day was ended by having the participants discussed a video to produce together on the second day. Lexy Rambadeta was with us all the way till we had a story to make into a video. Then came the second day, where everyone got together early in the morning. A little bit of discussion on the products that would take place on the day and from there everyone went to their own group and started shooting. Producing a video in one day definitely was not an easy task to do, but the most important thing was that everyone had fun in the process. And we all did! Stay tuned for the two videos that the participants made during the masterclass!