Indonesian Video Archive Camp – Looking for Ploneistas

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

From April 15-17 EngageMedia will be hosting a Plone based Video Archive Camp in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in collaboration with the Indonesian Visual Art Archive.

The three day camp will continue EngageMedia’s work of setting up 4 Plumi based offline video archives with a series of arts/activist partners based in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. [Read background blog post]

We have space at the camp for 2 additional volunteer Ploneistas. A key focus of the camp will be upgrading the four archives to Plumi 3.0, as well as running various workshops with local technologists to enhance their ability to customise of the platform. You’ll be working with EngageMedia and the crew from Unweb as regards the workshops. A more detailed breakdown of the event can be found in this pdf.

We can cover all food and accommodation in the lovely surrounds of central Java during the event if you are able to pay your way to Indonesia. If you are interested in attending please contact Andrew at and[at] by March 15th.