EM is looking for a Jakarta office

by Enrico Aditjondro

Yes, it’s that time in a group’s life again, we need a shelter to work, chat, collaborate, produce kick-ass works, screen, and simply hangout. Got any idea where we can do that?

Dear friends, EngageMedia is moving out of the old Manggarai office, or SEL 49 as it was once called. In fact, it’s not only us leaving that house, but our partner Jaringan Video-maker Independen (Javin) is also jumping into another space. We loved the place, but we need a different kind of space.

The office space that we’re after is somewhere in the proximities of Menteng, Cikini, Tebet, and Kebayoran Baru. The ideal space should be spacious enough for 4 to 6 people, preferably close to a coffee shop, food stalls, and other hangout places. We are looking for a clean place, good water, and a small kitchen to experiment with our cooking skills. Oh yeah, a flood-free area would also be nice. Aside from doing the usual office work, we’ll be using this space to organise small discussions, preferably outdoor screening, and just a space to surf the net, and uploading and downloading cool EngageMedia videos of course. It can be a small house, a ruko, or part of a bigger office building.

The preferred office scenery, but we'll settle for the bajaj view
The preferred office scenery, but we'll settle for the Bajaj view

So, folks, if you know a space like this, please do share it with us, and we’ll make sure you’ll get a courtesy office desk for you. Our budget is … reasonable. Please contact us through:

yerry [AT] engagemedia.org

enrico [AT] engagemedia.org

Cheers, folks!