Kampung Halaman Indonesian Youth Video Archive

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

Video DepotEngageMedia has teamed up with Kampung Halaman to produce Video Depot, a local archive of video content using the Plumi software. Kampung Halaman is an Indonesian based organisation using video to empower young people in local communities to tell their own stories.

The Video Depot creates a home for these stories.

Six Video Depots will be installed around Indonesia allowing people rapid access to video materials that overcome the bandwidth limitations in Indonesia. The Video Depots will also tour to local villages where people can copy and re-distribute the open-content licensed materials.

Whilst the aim is for the content to be accessed offline the site is available via the net, you can connect at http://depotvideo.kampunghalaman.org/ in order to check it out, though the connection is a little slow.