Want to Learn Video Editing/ Compression and/ or Assist Plug In TV at Next Years Sustainable Living Festival?

By Emily Clarke

Plug in TV have been offered the opportunity to have a tent at the Sustainable Living Festival (SLF), 20-22 Febuary 2009 at Federation Square, to do integrated webcasting. This means Plug in TV would be a demonstration media lounge for fully integrated grassroots media webcasting. Plug in TV organisers would really appreciate volunteer assistance on any or all of the three days of the event. Volunteers will be provided with both editing training and compression training.


December 06, 2008

From 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM


Hatwhorn, VIC

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The first editing workshop will be held Dec 6th, 1-5 pm at the Hawthorn Plug in TV office (the Possum Shed).

Address: Possum Shed, back of the Augustine Centre / Borderlands, 2 Minona St Hawthorn, near the corner of Hepburn and Burwood Hw.

Roles people can take

  • Filming on the day – do you have access to a camera, can you film forums?
  • Editing  – would you like to edit some of the forums on one of Plug in TVs computers or your own laptop?
  • Compression – would you like to compress footage to web, and can you help upload edited footage to EngageMedia?
  • Tent – can you help with answering questions, recruiting interested people and selling Plug in TV paraphernalia?
  • Season 5 production of SLF footage – Can you edit one or more episodes after SLF 09 for C31 for the special SLF / Plug in TV season?

The first editing training will be Dec 6th at the Augustine Centre, and Engage Media has kindly offered to provide a compression-to-web training session Jan 14th, exact time TBA. (Thanx EngageMedia!)

Apart from having the opportunity to learn (or practising your) filming/editing/ compression skills, the project will have a number of benefits:

  • You will support the wider environmental and social justice movement through media work;
  • You will support SLF’s speakers capacity to communicate their message(s) with the world;
  • You will support the ongoing viability of Plug in TV by helping to raise needed money;
  • You will be part of a rich experience;
  • You can help inspire SLF participants with the power of integrated grassroots media.
  • Join the team, and be part of the solution to the many issues we commonly face.

More About the Festival and Plug In TV’s Involvement:

The Sustainable Living Festival showcases a huge range of exhibitors, talks, workshops, art, films and performances celebrating and inspiring sustainable communities. It is Australia’s biggest environment festival.

Over the 3 days of the festival Plug In TV will shoot, edit, compress and upload to web all in one day. So we would be filming forums, tapes would go to the ‘Plug in TV tent’ which would be located at the festival (getting lots of interest from people) and they would be logged and edited on the spot, and uploaded right there.

Email: [email protected]