Transmission Asia-Pacific

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

Transmission Asia-Pacific is a meeting of video activists and free software developers using online video distribution for social justice and media democracy.

Sukabumi, Indonesia, May 19-25 2008.
[Korean Translation]

Organised by EngageMedia and Ruangrupa TX-AP will bring together 50 people for five days on the edge of the Gede Pangrango National Park near Sukabumi, 120km from Jakarta. TX-AP will be a space for video-makers to learn about free and open-sourceTransmission Asia Pacific video tools and interface with the technologists developing them. For developers, it will be an opportunity to share skills and share code in order to be more effective. The meeting will allow developers to better understand the needs of video makers and for video-makers to understand and contribute to the processes of development. TX-AP is a meeting of peers where everyone brings something to contribute.

Online video distribution is rapidly reshaping social change film making, huge opportunities now exist to distribute video work widely, independently and at a minimal cost. The potential of online distribution to advance social justice, human rights, environmental and other causes is significant. With this in mind Transmission Asia-Pacific (TX-AP) aims to bring together free software web developers and video activists from throughout the region to share skills and forge collaborations.

The TX-AP meeting will link into the existing Transmission network. Transmission is a network of video activists, artists, researchers, programmers and web producers who are developing online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy. The network aims to build the necessary tools, standards, documentation and social networks to make independent online distribution possible.

The core aims of the meeting are to

  • build a regional network of online video web developers, online video projects and video makers who can work together into the future
  • develop the skills of video activists in the areas of encoding, online distribution, open formats and Free software.
  • develop and discuss new online video tactics in campaigning
  • increase the uptake and collaboration around shared FOSS online video distribution tools such as Content Management Systems
  • build upon existing Transmission projects such as translation tools, metadata standard, FOSS codecs, documentation etc. and their application in the region
  • ensure programmers leave with an enhanced understanding of online video development, understanding of video makers needs and the ability to run video distribution software

Who should apply?
We’re looking for activist video makers, organisers and web developers from the Asia-Pacific region. If you are a web developer you should have a keen interest in open source technologies, have some knowledge of software programming and preferably already be working with video. If you are a video maker you should already be accomplished in your field and have made several videos. We’re looking for video makers and web developers who will take back the skills they learn to their communities and pass them on.

How to Apply?
To apply to attend you need to fill out the online form here which you can find here:

We particularly encourage women to apply.

Please note that given the range of countries participants will be coming from English will be the main language used at the meeting. If you have any questions about the application form or the event you can contact the organisers here:


Why isn’t the meeting open?
Due to funding and venue limitations, we’re not able to make the meeting open for anyone to attend. Apart from specific trainers and Transmission network project leads participants are restricted to the Asia-Pacific region. We are also committed to at least 1/3 of participants being women and that the meeting as a whole is representative of the region, ie that wealthier attendees from a couple of countries do not dominate the meeting.

Costs and Scholarships
There are a limited number of travel scholarships for people to attend. In the application form, you should specify if you need a scholarship and why.

There is also a small, scaled attendance fee to help cover costs such as food and accommodation. This is either $75, $50 or $25. This fee can be waived if an attendee or organisation is unable to afford it. All food, accommodation and local transport will be covered for all attendees.

Transmission Asia-Pacific is supported by Hivos and the Open Society Institute.

More info:
