0.2 Release of Plumi

This post was previously published in the official Plumi blog

We’re pleased to announce a series of major updates to Plumi, the free software video sharing content management system. These updates include major enhancements to site speed and reduced server load, a new design and features such as tagging and call outs. Plumi enables you to create a sophisticated video sharing and community site out-of-the-box. In a web landscape where almost all video sharing sites keep their distribution platform under lock and key Plumi is one contribution to creating a truly democratic media.

Download Plumi-0.2 from plone.org.

More specifically the improvements include….

We’ve added a new content type: “Call Outs” to help people looking for content for a DVD compilation, screenings, film festival or crew for a production.
eg. https://engagemedia.org/recent_callouts

The addition of qPloneComments adds email notification if someone comments on a video or responds to a comment and allows fine-grained administration of commenting. A comments portlet is also added to the front page.
eg. https://engagemedia.org/recent_comments

We’ve improved the vodcasting performance using a catalogue based RSS2 feed view implementation, meaning RSS2 feeds load much faster.

Tagging is now based on the Vaporisation product resulting in much faster page loads and navigation of content.
eg. https://engagemedia.org/tagcloud/view

– templates are refactored into a new ‘Five’ style view implementation that is Plone 3 ready resulting in faster page loads
– video listings no longer wake the objects from the zope database (ZODB) improving catalogue searching and speed
– Plumi 0.2 runs now on Plone 2.5.5 (Plone 3 coming soon)
– a new cleaner design – thanks Trollfot!

To download the release go to

For more specific details of changes see the changelog https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/Plumi/trunk/CHANGELOG.txt

A demo site with the improvements can be found here: http://demo.plumi.org

For a full list of features see https://plumi.org/features/

A number of organisations have implemented Plumi in the previous few months. These include…
– World Social Forum TV – http://wsftv.net
– CabTube – http://cabtube.cab.unipd.it/
– Africa on TV – http://www.africaontv.com/
– Contents Portal Shikoku – http://archive.ict-tokushima.jp/plumi/

Plumi 0.3 will include BitTorrent functionality, user side enhancements to video pages, Transmission metadata standard, improved video transcoding and more. Upgrading to Plone 3 will be happening in the coming months also.

Download Plumi-0.2 directly from https://plumi.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/plumi-0-2-final-tar.bz2 or from http://plone.org/products/plumi/.