Vx:mission – Amsterdam 18, 19, 20th Jan 2008

by Mickfuzz

Vx:mission – Amsterdam 18, 19, 20th Jan 2008

Vx:mission flyerVX:mission will look at how the distribution of Social Justice Video is happening using Open Sources technology. It is a chance to find out about existing distribution projects, get feedback for your own projects or ideas, find collaborators and scheme about how best to distribute your video. This is event is associated with the transmission network.

This will happen with 3 days of events. A Show with films, info and discussion on Friday 18th Jan, A day of Geek central Hacklab work on the 19th, and a day of public workshops on Sunday 20th Jan.

The kinds of things we’ll discuss and work on are

  • Open source Video Content Management and transcoding systems
  • Translations and Subtitling tools
  • Help files and Documentation to help people get involved
  • Video Distribution Strategy

This gathering is planned in association with FlossManuals.net and clearerchannel.org. It has a focus on how we can better document projects and user-orientated help.

The Amsterdam meeting dates are 18, 19, 20 January 2008 To coincide with the Video Vortex Conference.

How to get involved

The best way to get involved it to sign up for the event discussion email list here http://lists.transmission.cc/listinfo/vxmission-discuss

Introduce yourself and say what part of the programme you are interested in. There are workshops that you can attend if you think you’ve got something to learn or to teach.

We also have a 200 capacity venue for our Film and Presentation night. So bring all your friends to that.

Keep informed and find out full information on the Transmission Vx:mission page