Covering the G20

Anti-G20 march down the Swanston St.
EngageMedia will be assisting video makers covering the G20 counter-actions to get their work online. The G20 is a meeting of finance ministers from the worlds 20 richest nations and also includes the heads of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. People are protesting against the meeting due to the G20’s commitment to neo-liberal economic policies that further enrich wealthy corporations and have a disastrous effect on the environment.

For background on the G20 please see the site.

EngageMedia will be providing video coverage of the protests. You can see all the videos uploaded about the G20 protests here. You can subscribe to the vodcast of the G20 protest videos by copying this link into iTunes of Democracy Player.

For text, photo and audio coverage please go to Melbourne Indymedia.

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