Digital Rights Asia-Pacific 2023
Building Knowledge
Building Collaborations
Building Momentum
After over two years of virtual convenings and limited networking opportunities, the DRAPAC23 Assembly brings together changemakers from the Asia-Pacific to strengthen solidarity and networks, champion diversity and inclusion within the movement, and bridge the media, technology, and human rights fields.
With over 150 sessions spread out across five days and the city of Chiang Mai, DRAPAC23 aims to infuse the movement with a broader range of allied actors: digital and human rights advocates, academics, journalists, media-makers, artists, designers, technologists, youth advocates, and representatives from marginalised communities. The Assembly also emphasises the representation of increasingly unheard voices in digital rights spaces.
EngageMedia is co-creating the DRAPAC23 agenda with the DRAPAC steering committee and our various partners, fellows, and participants. It is the culmination of a series of country-wide and regional digital rights forums that began in 2022, and a successor to the Coconet digital rights camps held in recent years. DRAPAC23 will also launch the upcoming DRAPAC Network, led by a steering committee comprising some of the most active organisations working on digital rights in the region.
Why should you attend the Festival?
Local and regional contexts on digital rights issues
Festival attendees can expect a number of spaces to discuss important conversations and collaborate on addressing vital and pressing digital rights issues, including but not limited to:
- Extremism and Hate Speech
- Gender Justice
- Climate Justice
- Digital Authoritarianism
- Data Justice
- Disinformation
- Media Freedom & Censorship
- Challenging Big Tech
- Youth Engagement
- Digital Labour
- Digital Security
- New Money
- Access & Inclusivity
- Open and Secure Technology
Diversity of participants and venues
The Festival sessions will be facilitated by a diverse group of changemakers and organisations from across the Asia-Pacific. Similar to the Coconet Digital Rights Camp, the Festival team is taking great care to increase the participation of underrepresented and marginalised sectors in the digital rights space.
The Festival also aims to bring digital rights issues beyond the usual conference-style venues. We envision a unique range of venues for our various session formats.
Variety of co-created sessions
Go Broad
- Keynote Speeches
- Panel Discussions
- Parallel Events by Partners
Go Deep
- Talks, Roundtables, and Other Discussions
- Training and Workshops
- Localization Sprints
- Hackathons
- Tech Labs
Go Celebrate
- Film Festival
- Art Exhibits
- Musical & Other Entertainment
- Self-Care and Fitness
Why should you organise a session at the Festival?
Spread your story to a diverse, regional audience
The Festival will be a unique opportunity to address and interact with a captive audience of changemakers.
Get a wealth of feedback and discourse
Hear directly from changemakers about the region’s pressing digital rights issues.
Find collaborators and co-creators
Have a project in mind? The Festival is an opportunity to pitch and jump-start your ideas.
Get logistics support from EngageMedia
EngageMedia will assist session facilitators to look for suitable venues, conduct outreach and promotions around your event, and help with other logistical needs.
Priority for travel sponsorships
EngageMedia will be sponsoring the food and board of a limited number of Festival attendees. Individuals and organisations who will be selected to host and facilitate sessions will be given priority.
Why should you fund the Festival?
Raise the profile of timely digital and human rights issues
COVID-19 has dramatically accelerated and normalised the authoritarian use of digital technologies. Digital surveillance has radically increased, with governments tightly tracking the movements and associations of their citizens. Big Tech, law enforcement, and other vested stakeholders have worked closely with governments to exploit the opportunity to expand their power and control.
Other regional risks and trends include the following:
- Increases in human rights abuses
- Backsliding on gender equality
- Curtailment of freedom of expression and assembly
- A rise in disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation, including the use of this trend for authoritarian purposes
- Increased website blocks and takedowns, internet throttling, and shutdowns
The Festival is an opportunity to raise the profile of these issues to broader audiences, not only regionally but also globally.
Allow changemakers to sustain their work and advocacy
Asia-Pacific civil society is resilient, with a long history and deep foundations, but it needs support to combat these digital rights issues. The Festival will be a large stage for changemakers to showcase their work and find support and collaborators within a broader range of allied actors.
Join a group of distinguished organisations contributing to digital rights
Our current funders and partners include:
- Sida
- Association for Progressive Communications
- Chiang Mai University’s School for Public Policy
Go to EngageMedia.org/Festival for an updated list of funders and partners.

Stories of Solidarity
Cinemata Big Screen
Join us at the Asia-Pacific Digital Rights Festival!
EngageMedia is calling on organisations, collectives, and more to:
- Facilitate a Session at the Festival
- Hold a Parallel Event
- Fund the Festival
- Volunteer for the Festival