คลี่คลายความซับซ้อน: ฉายภาพการ Doxxing ผ่านหนัง
Thanakorn Yangmeesuk, producer of the short film “Doxxed,” portrays the mental, emotional, and physical toll of doxxing on women, shedding light on relevant digital rights issues in Thailand.
Thanakorn Yangmeesuk, producer of the short film “Doxxed,” portrays the mental, emotional, and physical toll of doxxing on women, shedding light on relevant digital rights issues in Thailand.
Jaime Morados, the producer of the short film “This Is How Her Home Was Built”, shares his journey of using film to create a greater impact for his advocacies.
Weeraya “Min” Vichayaprasertkul, producer and director of the short film Digital Rights Lab, discusses her transition into impact production, focusing on a topic that is new to her and most of the youth in Thailand.
EngageMedia is looking for eight filmmakers between the ages of 18 to 30 who will produce short films on internet freedom and other digital rights issues in Thailand and the Philippines. Applications for Tech Tales Youth will close on April 12, 2023.
Tech Tales Youth aims to support a new group of young filmmakers and visual storytellers in the Philippines and Thailand to produce short films about human rights in the digital age.
Ahead of the upcoming week-long Asia-Pacific Digital Rights Festival in Chiang Mai, EngageMedia looks back at our journey towards the Festival, and what participants can expect come May 2023.