
Jagongan Media Rakyat – People’s Media Yogyakarta

From July 22-25 2010, Combine Resource Institution held Jagongang Media Rakyat 2010 (The People’s Media Festival) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The festival brought together dozens of progressive media organisations, primarily from Java, to present and discuss people orientated approaches to media production and distribution.

Camp Sambel gets ready

EngageMedia is gearing up for Camp Sambel this week. Camp Sambel is a gather of more than 40 video activists from indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia and Australia. The camp is based on an open methodology with participants as peers running the workshops among one another.

Association for Progressive Communications Membership Transferred to EngageMedia

The Executive Board of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) has agreed unanimously to support the transfer of APC membership from long-standing member,, to EngageMedia. APC was co-founded in 1990 by Pegasus Networks, the first community based national Internet provider in Australia. Former Pegasus staff established in 1997.
The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 is held in Santiago, Chile on May 6-7. The theme of the meeting is "Next generation citizen media, public access and citizen participation.Ó This year's program includes plenary discussions, topic-based breakout groups, open ÒunconferenceÓ-style sessions and hands-on training workshops. (Photo by Krzysztof Pawliszak/GV). CC BY 2.0

At the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010

Eclectic is the word that jumped to mind as I reflected on the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Santiago, Chile. The event, from May 6-7, brought together a broad array of people and approaches to citizen media.
EngageMedia and partners the Indonesian Visual Art Archive hosted an "Archive Camp" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia April 14-17, 2010. The camp continued EngageMedia’s work of setting up a series of Plumi based offline video archives, as well as developing new strategies and tactics for digital video distribution.

Archive Camp a great success

Despite the extraordinary heat, participants of the Archive Camp, hosted by EngageMedia and IVAA (Indonesian Visual Arts Archive) found creative ways to share their ideas over three fabulous days in Central Java. This camp involved five important organisations, which are IVAA, Combine, Kampung Halaman, Ruang Rupa and EngageMedia.