EM-ASTEKI: Get Creative!
As a part of our Training of Trainers on Creative Commons, we screened the video “Get Creative” which briefly explains Creative Commons.
As a part of our Training of Trainers on Creative Commons, we screened the video “Get Creative” which briefly explains Creative Commons.
Kalyana Shira’s ‘At Stake’ series are now available with English subtitles on EngageMedia.
Since June 2011 ASTEKI has had their own storage server which, like engagemedia.org, is based on a Plumi system http://asteki.org.
Two EngageMedia men tried their luck in the Big Apple, attending conferences, talking and meeting with cool people, and spreading the spirit of video activism, EM Style.
FX Making and Nico Tunjanan of Papuan Voices Jayapura won 1st and 2nd prize in ‘Yuk Awasi!’ Short Video Competition.
In June, EngageMedia trainers Dhyta and Yerry travelled to Kuala Lumpur to train 10 Indonesian migrant workers in basic video storytelling, shooting and in-camera editing.
Report on the first-ever citizen journalism and online subtitling workshop in Singapore.
In May, we brought Universal Subtitles (now known as Amara) to Malaysia again. And this time, it was in the island-state of Penang, at the annual conference of CJ.MY (Citizen Journalists Malaysia).
April 28, 2012 marked a historic day for Malaysians. More than 250,000 people went to the street for the Bersih 3.0 rallies all over the country.