
Engagemedia Distribution Workshop (Malang)

EngageMedia is hosting another free workshop on video distribution in Indonesia, this time in Malang, East Java. The 2-day workshop from 20-21 February 2010 will explore how producers of critical films around the world are distributing their videos both online and offline.

Workshop Distribusi Engagemedia (Malang)

EngageMedia akan kembali mengadakan workshop gratis tentang distribusi video di Indonesia, kali ini untuk wilayah Malang, Jawa Timur. Workshop yang akan berlangsung selama 2 hari ini akan membahas bagaimana para produser dari critical films di dunia mendistribusikan video mereka secara online dan offline.

Time for Reel Action Screenings

This December thousands of delegates, decision-makers, stakeholders, and activists will converge on Copenhagen. To be part of this EngageMedia is putting on home screenings of the Reel Action compilation of Asia-Pacific climate films. Global action is urgent and essential – the time for debate is over.

Launch T4RA DVD Climate Video Compile. Photo by Donny Hendrawan.

Reel Action Screenings

This December thousands of delegates, decision makers, stakeholders and activists will converge on Copenhagen. To be part of this EngageMedia is putting on home screenings of the Reel Action compilation of Asia-Pacific climate films. Global action is urgent and essential – the time for debate is over.

Videochronic: Video Activism and Online Video in Indonesia

EngageMedia and Kunci Cultural Studies Center are please to announce the launch of VideoChronic, the outcome of a collaborative research charting how activists are engaging with video technologies in Indonesia, addressing some of the issues of technology-mediated social movements, and exploring the potential and limitations of online video distribution.