
T4RA Climate Workshop

A one-day training of Indonesian video activists from environmental groups and independent video producers on developing distribution strategies for online, offline and hybrid methods.

Jagongan Media Rakyat – People’s Media Yogyakarta

From July 22-25 2010, Combine Resource Institution held Jagongang Media Rakyat 2010 (The People’s Media Festival) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The festival brought together dozens of progressive media organisations, primarily from Java, to present and discuss people orientated approaches to media production and distribution.
Ayo Cegah Flu Burung: Animation on Avian Influenza Prevention

Bird flu animations available for use

FAO Avian Influenza Control Programme in Indonesia uses creative commons license for the first time to publish and distribute its educational animations.
Launch T4RA DVD Climate Video Compile. Photo by Donny Hendrawan.

T4RA Climate Crisis DVD Launched

EngageMedia’s response to the international climate crisis, Time For Reel Action, was launched in Jakarta to an audience of 70 strong supporters. Video producers, NGOs, artists and the general public came out on World Environment Day to support the release of the DVD video compile representing views and issues on climate change from the Asia-Pacific region.
Camp Sambel

Nusantara Video Activists Meet in East Java

EngageMedia conducted a video distribution camp for 43 video activists from June 16th to 20th, 2010. Participants came from all over Indonesia, as well as Malaysia and East Timor.


Association for Progressive Communications Membership Transferred to EngageMedia

The Executive Board of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) has agreed unanimously to support the transfer of APC membership from long-standing member, apc.au, to EngageMedia. APC was co-founded in 1990 by Pegasus Networks, the first community based national Internet provider in Australia. Former Pegasus staff established apc.au in 1997.
Launch T4RA DVD Climate Video Compile. Photo by Donny Hendrawan.

Launching T4RA Climate Crisis Video Compile

Coinciding with World Environment Day, Saturday 5 June, EngageMedia is launching Time for Real Action (T4RA) at Nasi Goreng Kemang (Jl. Kemang Utara 1 No. 53), Jakarta. T4RA is a curated compilation of videos that deal with climate change issues from an Asia-Pacific perspective. Join the EngageMedia team and our special guests, from 6 – 9pm, for an evening of film, music, dance and fine food.

Archive Camp Press Conference

Before the Archive Camp, Pitra from IVAA and Nova from EngageMedia held a press conference that was attended by a range of local and national media in Yogyakarta, April 13, 2010.

EngageMedia and partners the Indonesian Visual Art Archive hosted an "Archive Camp" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia April 14-17, 2010. The camp continued EngageMedia’s work of setting up a series of Plumi based offline video archives, as well as developing new strategies and tactics for digital video distribution.

Archive Camp a great success

Despite the extraordinary heat, participants of the Archive Camp, hosted by EngageMedia and IVAA (Indonesian Visual Arts Archive) found creative ways to share their ideas over three fabulous days in Central Java. This camp involved five important organisations, which are IVAA, Combine, Kampung Halaman, Ruang Rupa and EngageMedia.