June 13, 2014

Indramayu Migrant Workers Video Production and Distribution Training

Menonton Ditonton Travelling Projector Indramayu & Cirebon

Indramayu adalah tempat ketiga yang dikunjungi Travelling Proyektor.  Bertempat di rumah seorang mantan buruh migran, pemutaran film ini dihadiri sekitar 20 orang. Hampir sebagian besar yang datang adalah para buruh migran yang terlibat dalam pembuatan video tersebut.

Learning 5 basic shots

Traveling Projector in Indramayu & Cirebon

Indramayu was the third city visited by the Traveling Projector. Here, we were helped by an ex-migrant worker who lent us his house for the screening, where young people came and watched videos that were created by Indonesian migrant workers themselves.